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Recent content by diro

  1. diro

    WTF is now wrong, all cryptos down?

    Now is doomsday for crypto and the financial marked, it's all going down with turbo speed!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. diro

    Important! Unlock the Power of OffshoreCorpTalk: Become a Member of the Mentor Group Gold

    open a thread here https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/forums/request-help.58/
  3. diro

    Need high risk payment processor

    what business are you into ?
  4. diro

    LTC expectations?

    I can't find it right now, I read it on CoinDesk some weeks ago. But may be wrong yes. I thought of 2 - 3 months.
  5. diro

    High Risk Payment Processor for IPTV, Replica and Gaming - Sort it out.

    yeah would be nice to read an update from you
  6. diro

    LTC expectations?

    I read that USA consider using LTC in the future which means the coin should rise drastically in price. What's your thoughts about LTC / litecoin ? do you think it can reach 200$ in the very near future or do you think the USA will stick to BTC as they also consider.
  7. diro

    High Risk Payment Processor for IPTV, Replica and Gaming - Sort it out.

    he/she is, had conversation with him monday last week, but very busy.
  8. diro

    Buy physical gold in CH - SoF

    you can post the dealers here to help all of us.
  9. diro

    Important! Unlock the Power of OffshoreCorpTalk: Become a Member of the Mentor Group Gold

    there are subforums in the link and good articles you want to read.
  10. diro

    What’s New on OffshoreCorpTalk in 2025?

    have had it the same. never give up your work here on OCT.
  11. diro

    My Digital Nomad Guide in Small Details: Every Aspect on How to Plan It Right

    Not really a digital nomad! When you make yourself dependent on real estate in three different countries and commute between them, you won’t legally avoid paying taxes either. You’ll likely be questioned by the tax authorities in one country or another about whether everything is in order and...
  12. diro

    FRNT OTC exchange

    maybe it is @JohnnyDoe you are shutting with and it is his service. He recommend it and said 250K minimum, that would make good sense if it is so. Nothing wrong with it, but relay 250K on such a service, I'm not going to do that. very good review @Meta
  13. diro

    Question Best USD personal savings account for non-US citizens

    You say I get a 4% interest paid for the money holding there?
  14. diro

    Question Best USD personal savings account for non-US citizens

    Do they allow you park your money there without doing any investment long term ? OP did you try that with IBKR ?