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Recent content by CyprusLawyer101

  1. C

    Best bank account for a Cyprus Ltd which is a consulting business?

    A retail branch is dealing with local clients. If they are to on-board you then you cannot be considered anything else.
  2. C

    Best bank account for a Cyprus Ltd which is a consulting business?

    if you will be moving residency to Cyprus and running a Cyprus Ltd then I would suggest you just walk-in to your nearest brick and mortar bank and explain your business, you should be able to get an account opened.
  3. C

    Anonymous (Nominee) EU Company for Payment Processing

    A Cyprus company acting as payment agent works just fine for such set ups. We have already set up a few and found Cyprus banks ( not EMI) which understand the structure and have onboarded such clients. An agreement muat be put in place reflecting the relationship between the two cos. Let me know...
  4. C

    Crypto to car payment in full

    Over The Counter desk, in this case one licensed for crypto.
  5. C

    Crypto to car payment in full

    Do it through an OTC which can on-transfer the funds to your car seller directly
  6. C

    Crypto to real estate investment (not retail buy) jurisdictions? Bypassing banks

    in Cyprus its doable. I work with a few developers which are ready to take crypto. No issues with the land registry or anything.
  7. C

    Cash withdrawal on crypto in the UK

    well its not only words really. its a methodology of approaching tax planning and obviously its aim its to stay as far away as possible from an adverse result - ending up in court, however there should always be a good case in place in case of an adverse outcome.
  8. C

    Cash withdrawal on crypto in the UK

    @wellington @Martin Everson @pma995 As the replies on this matter are following my suggestion to OP that I can advice him on how to structure his ongoing affairs in ways to minimize taxes, I feel the urge to reply to the follow up comments. Although what is being said by Wellington and Martin...
  9. C

    Cash withdrawal on crypto in the UK

    Thats good. UK has some rigorous tax rules, but I should be able to structure it through at minimum risk. Let me know if you want to chat, and I can dm you.
  10. C

    Cash withdrawal on crypto in the UK

    Its possible you could cash out tax free. Did you make your gains trading or just once off investing ?
  11. C

    Critique My Lean US - Mauritius Structure (2.1% Effective Tax Rate)

    Thanks Houdini, I am around if @Leo Vanguard would like to review his stuff
  12. C

    Best Global Locations for Minimizing Personal and Business Taxes with a 190K EURO Budget

    Indeed a great place! I ll be glad pointing you towards the right direction once aquiring property here becomes of real intetest.
  13. C

    Crypto taxation, non-dom

    If the crypto has been bought and never traded then no taxes should arise. If you would like to discuss this let me know and I can send a DM.