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Recent content by cyprusbanker

  1. cyprusbanker

    Own Nothing, but Control Everything – A Concept That Can Change Your Life

    @CyprusLaw or @CyprusBusiness can one of you confirm this is true or not ? I'm ready to move on with a Cyprus trust right now if that is true!
  2. cyprusbanker

    Own Nothing, but Control Everything – A Concept That Can Change Your Life

    I have read through the entire article several times now, and I would like to know if it is still possible with a fortune of 2 million euros, with all these CRS and CFC rules, to structure one’s life in this way and live without owning anything but still have the ability to control one’s wealth?
  3. cyprusbanker

    LLC not compliant with annual forms

    Are you guys completing the forms and filing taxes your self for the US LLC ?
  4. cyprusbanker

    Estonia Corporate Rules: Can this Tax structure work?

    how should it land in a non CRS account and from there be possible to transfer to anywhere you want like legal money? Or do you mean one can pay his bills from this non CRS bank account and also use a credit card ?
  5. cyprusbanker

    Breaking News! The Battle for Truth: OffshoreCorpTalk vs Hamilton Reserve Bank

    not true. He is still wanted https://www.bka.de/DE/IhreSicherheit/Fahndungen/Personen/BekanntePersonen/Jan_Marsalek_wirecard/Sachverhalt.html?nn=26874#detailinformationen137138
  6. cyprusbanker

    Intergiro - do you have an account with them?

    They have been good in the past, what's going wrong with them now?
  7. cyprusbanker

    How to create the strongest anonymous offshore company?

    very very true, sometimes you can't even trust yourself rof/% Trust in finding the true solution in mentor group gold account upgrades that's where you find the real stuff.
  8. cyprusbanker

    Estonia Corporate Rules: Can this Tax structure work?

    How much dividend to you plan to take every year? In Cyprus you can take out dividend as you like as I read in many of the threads around here!
  9. cyprusbanker

    SFM tries to blackmail me!

    Do you have personal experience with them as well ?
  10. cyprusbanker

    Breaking News! The Battle for Truth: OffshoreCorpTalk vs Hamilton Reserve Bank

    I recently read about this case again and watched a documentary about Wirecard, with the infamous fraudster Herr Braun at the helm, who is now wanted by Interpol! They did exactly the same as Hamilton Reserve Bank threatening people who tried to expose their fraud, using lawsuits and worse...
  11. cyprusbanker

    Exposed: EU's Secret Wealth Grab! Is Your Money Safe?

    That’s a very extreme interpretation of the situation with the EU and tax authorities, in my opinion. But are there any examples of this happening? And I mean cases that don’t involve Russians, mafia bosses, or major criminals just ordinary people?
  12. cyprusbanker

    Breaking News! Black Friday Sale 2024 - ! Only TODAY !

    Why not just post the Lifetime offer directly here in the thread, so everyone can evaluate which package suits their budget best? Not everyone can afford to buy Lifetime anyway. And make the package available for direct purchase without requiring people to contact you first. Just a friendly...
  13. cyprusbanker

    greetings from finland

    Welcome aboard nice you joined our family:cool:
  14. cyprusbanker

    Let's talk about US EMI's requiring US Operations

    Sometimes the end justifies the means, and I believe startups often have a lot to prove to their investors and creditors. That’s why they tend to take in everything they can and clean up later, hoping it will all work out in the end. I’ve been involved in countless startups where this was one...
  15. cyprusbanker

    Let's talk about US EMI's requiring US Operations

    Maybe it’s like with most startups; you allow much more at the beginning to get the business off the ground, and once you’ve reached a certain scale, you tighten the rules and filter out a group that is less attractive.