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Recent content by cuno

  1. cuno

    Lithuanian EMI issues

    How many EMI's have you tried to open an account with for your current setup ?
  2. cuno

    Is the UK still a tax haven?

    That could work out well for me.
  3. cuno

    Setting Up an Anonymous, Low-Cost Tax-Free Company Globally in 2024 with Minimal Compliance Requirements?

    Today you can't get around the reporting by banks and most EMI's - your only chance to avoid troubles with the tax man or to hide your money from your current country is to relocate or use some of the many suggestions inside mentor group gold that you have access to.
  4. cuno

    Cambodia banks

    I have no idea how banking in Cambodia works, but can you make regular SWIFT transfers to a bank account in Cambodia, or how does it work?
  5. cuno

    Company for P2P Crypto trading

    I have no clue, but doesn’t Cyprus and Malta seem just right for such a business? Getting a bank account is probably difficult no matter where in the world you set up a company for your business.
  6. cuno


    That makes good sense, thanks for insides. If you want to have a company and activity in Serbia, then I can understand your thoughts; otherwise, I don’t think there are many advantages to be seen.
  7. cuno


    Apply for second passport fine, but why would anyone consider Serbia for this purpose?
  8. cuno

    Offshore company (in or out of EU) with EU residency only

    You can't do that! Either you have a nominee handling the company and you stay out of the business entirely or you have a personal account and the entire setup does not make sense! For more gray area solutions visit the mentor group gold forums where you can find discussions going into details.
  9. cuno

    Russia-Ukraine War discussion

    Trump is shaking the world right now. I don't think he will manage this.
  10. cuno

    Good idea?

    Whish I had a time machine to buy these coins for a dollar.
  11. cuno

    What’s New on OffshoreCorpTalk in 2025?

    Big times personal game changer
  12. cuno

    Setting up a payment agent in EU

    Go with Cyprus and you won't do anything wrong.
  13. cuno

    Everything You Need to Know Before Picking the Best High Risk Payment Processing Platform

    I'm sending all of them my application now or simple contacting them, want to know what they can do for me.
  14. cuno

    Easiest option to open individual bank account remotely?

    currenxie, Zen, Revolut, tons of options.
  15. cuno

    My Digital Nomad Guide in Small Details: Every Aspect on How to Plan It Right

    So you are not a digital nomad and drag the entire discussion into something different! @Sols @Martin Everson anyone look into it please.