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Recent content by Clank

  1. C

    Cambodia banks

    Most banks will open on a 6 months extension. Did you try to do it with 6 months or 12 months? Could you clarify which banks would open the account with only a tenancy agreement and a tourist visa?
  2. C

    Anyone experience with cbibank ?

    It's expensive for being a Puerto Rico bank.
  3. C

    US LLC without taking out Dividends

    A US LLC doesn't issue dividends as it's a passthrough entity. Nevertheless it depends on how your country of residence views it.
  4. C

    Tower Bank - Bussiness account

    You can contact them on the website and they will open the account. You don't need any special contact.
  5. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    I don’t think it’s possible even if they claim to be able to do it. Anyways the person supervising the exam will tell you the answers to all questions if you ask him. In the driving test, they let you do it unlimited times until you get it right.
  6. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    Did you have a driving license already in your home country? If so you can do the same for 6$, no need for testing.
  7. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    Did you actually did it? Because it’s a scam and the license they give you is a fake one. You need to got in person to DLT and do the tests as they take your fingerprints.
  8. C

    IBKR with Thai updated address

    Are you located in Thailand right now? You can do KYC by enabling location services in your phone and verify your address like that.
  9. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    Did you even read my links? You don't need to buy anything. You just need to ask the owner to include you in the book as you live there. Most won't do it but if you pay them for the time it takes them to do it, they probably will.
  10. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    You got scammed, price for new license is 205 baht for car and 105 for moto. https://safedrivedlt.com/driving-in-thailand/#:~:text=Pay the fee / take a,fee 105 baht for motorcycle) More information here, you don't need work permit just house registration and 50 baht. Probably you confused OR...
  11. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    You can get a Thai Pink Card with a DTV visa. You can also get a DL for 200 baht (6$). The pink card can be used to open bank accounts as it's basically a residency certificate. https://isaanlawyers.com/pink-id-card-for-foreigners-in-thailand/
  12. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    It’s probably one of the easiest in Asia, taking into account getting a citizenship in an Asian country is already very difficult and sometimes impossible.
  13. C

    So no residence permits for nomads in Thailand?

    If you are interested in a work visa in Thailand through an Employer Of Record I might be able to help you. I have some contacts here, are you looking for getting a permanent residency or citizenship in the future? Or you want just work visa that can be extended indefinitely.
  14. C

    Offshore Banking, the safest countries for my money?

    They only open premier accounts for non-residents online.