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Recent content by bigdaddyleon

  1. bigdaddyleon

    Do Seba (now Amina) and FRICK banks onboard UAE residents?

    Unfortunately, I am not based in the UAE, so I have no further information on this.
  2. bigdaddyleon

    Do Seba (now Amina) and FRICK banks onboard UAE residents?

    I had a phone call with a Bank Frick employee about a month ago and she told me that this year onboarding for UAE residents will be allowed again.
  3. bigdaddyleon

    Need payment processor for my SMM business

    I am in the industry, I know that many use checkout, but as far as I know it has relatively high requirements.
  4. bigdaddyleon

    German resident: moving away but family stays

    agreed the apartment wouldn't be the problem if its rented out.
  5. bigdaddyleon

    Crypto-friendly Liechtenstein/Swiss banks

    I found this price list, you might have to translate it. https://www.bankfrick.li/sites/default/files/documents/LI%20BA%202517%20DE%20V1.00.BFST_.01.68_de.pdf 500k sounds relatively much, I had offered to deposit 50,000 and increase it to 100-150 over the rest of the year. Was only turned down...
  6. bigdaddyleon

    Crypto-friendly Liechtenstein/Swiss banks

    I think you have a relatively good chance with Bank Frick, especially because they process the payments for Kraken. If your citizenship/residency are correct, this should not be a problem. They didn't want me with Thai residency, it would be too much risk for them (but UAE will be released...
  7. bigdaddyleon

    Move Business & Stay Anonymous to Avoid Lawsuits?

    a company construct on St. Kitts and Nevis could be an attractive option
  8. bigdaddyleon

    Question Crypto Gateways Beyond BTC: Alternatives to Coinbase?

    I tend to think they didn't work at the weekend. Probably shouldn't take much longer.
  9. bigdaddyleon

    Question Crypto Gateways Beyond BTC: Alternatives to Coinbase?

    Tariffs – all about prising and service commissions | Cryptomus Used by many providers who used NowPayments or Coinbase Commerce at the time, never had any problems with it. Платежная система для сайтов, интернет-магазинов и приложений | any.money No experience only used once as a customer, was...
  10. bigdaddyleon

    Best country for website hosting privacy

    Switzerland, Island, Netherlands.
  11. bigdaddyleon

    Bank account for GmbH for non german resident

    Just go to another branch. Each Sparkasse branch can make its own rules. I can't think of any logical reason why a company in Berlin should not be accepted.
  12. bigdaddyleon

    Bank account for GmbH for non german resident

    The easiest way would be to visit a branch in person. Sparkasse, Commerzbank ... Otherwise there are 2 online banks: https://finom.de/ https://qonto.com/de/pricing
  13. bigdaddyleon

    High-Risk Payment Processor for direct debit needed

    https://www.novalnet.com/paymentsolution/payment-processing/ I think so yes
  14. bigdaddyleon

    Blackcatcard migration - difficulties with incoming/outgoing SEPA transfers

    an incoming payment to my account was returned to the sender yesterday