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Recent content by baliz71

  1. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Okey, i was not thinking it was working like that. Just maybe that they asked the profit of the US LLC then tax it and bye. It can be a nightmare if they treat the accounting also like as an bulgarian company.
  2. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    So, what about to have an LLC here in bulgarie (for example to enter Amazon FBA in USA) then just pay the 10% company tax here in Bulgaria (like a bulgarian company?) - at the end this is the same, but with less paper and hassle with administration from USA side, no ? I just pay a profit from...
  3. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Nope, bulgaria is less strict, i know lot of people here with USA LLC, without issues with the tax administration for example - they not treat it like a local business, like what the france, spain and germany can probably do
  4. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Yes, the idea is not to be "secret" , i will declare it, the taxation in bulgaria is "OK" - i just need more paiement processors (like oxxo, mercadopago, klarna, etc) i contacted already airwallex, and ayden and got rejected. HK have some processors with account manager that can facilitate the...
  5. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    First, the accounting part, i like the fact that the accounting part is outside Europe, so bulgarian tax have nothing to ask me related to my company. Then, the paiement processors, Stripe don't have lot of local paiement processors for Latam for example, with HK, you can get access to...
  6. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Mostly in Latam, europe, and Worldwide. I plan to keep maybe the Bulgarian company for Europe, and the HK or US LLC for worlwide
  7. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Yes, i know i need to pay taxes in Bulgaria, this is not a problem for me; The more interesting point is mostly in paiement processors, for example in HK you can get Oceanpay, useepay, that provide more local paiement processors than stripe for example, wich can be useful for me. So in the same...
  8. B

    HK or USA LLC for a bulgarian resident ?

    Hello, I have a small question. I have a company in Bulgaria where I am a tax resident, I am in ecommerce dropshipping field. In order to have more flexibility, more banking options etc, I am considering opening a company in HK or in the USA for my business, but I can't decide which is more...
  9. B

    Best offshore bank for Hong Kong company

    I use bulgarian banks already, and i want to avoid them. I have to go here 5-6 times because the work is not done correctly.. People in bulgaria are not very helpful; i know DSK bank and Uni credit but uni credit now is more hard for offshore business
  10. B

    Best offshore bank for Hong Kong company

    No nominee, i will take a look for Cim
  11. B

    Best offshore bank for Hong Kong company

    Because they speak french like me and also a good place for banking, but if you know better place that can work with an HK company interested to know also :) For neat, they don't accept me because my company in HK is owned by another company, not a personal people
  12. B

    Best offshore bank for Hong Kong company

    Hello, I ask your help for my setup, i explain you the situation : I have an Hk company, and you know opening a bank account with a card is difficult. Neat don't want me so the only solution for me is to open an offshore bank account. I got paiement from Stripe and Paypal to my Currenxie...
  13. B

    Bulgarian Holding + HK Company (wich bank?)

    I can, i will send you a PM
  14. B

    Bulgarian Holding + HK Company (wich bank?)

    Ok, i don't have money coming from venezuela, so no problem, and why us will speak about me if i don't are USA citizen, an also don't have a company in USA ? You are in a dream friend, i don't know what is your probem with USA and bulgaria but stop saying this without any proof or reason. I have...
  15. B

    Bulgarian Holding + HK Company (wich bank?)

    Same for me, i live in bulgaria now and no problem :)