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Recent content by A1988

  1. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    US LLC managed from Malta is the ultimate solution for banking and tax optimisation purposes
  2. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    Wow, amazing discussion. I have 3 kids as well lol. Definitely cannot send them to school in Spain. I'm by default a tax resident then. As far as gib company with director in Malta and managed from Malta is the best solution. Also can be a US LLC, with managed from Malta and director in Malta...
  3. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    Wow thanks Marzio, this structure can allow me to live in Spain for more than 6 months or less than 6 months ? I believe less than 6 months?
  4. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    I would happily pay upto 15-20% on income and capital gains and live in marbella for the rest of my life. But it's not possible
  5. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    Yes you are right, I think spain is my top country to live specially in marbella in andalusia, the socialist government removed the special status of no wealth tax in andalucia, if spain becomes a place with reasonable taxes then it can definitely give UAE, Singapore and most of the tax havens a...
  6. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    I confirm Malta has no mountains, As an Italian with English being my second language, I was considering mountain as being the same as a cliff, hill or a peak. My bad. But I still remain confused haha. To End the discussion, I don't sell Malta or gain anything from it, I am a resident of Malta...
  7. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    So basically, a country has been invaded and divided by Turkey, been continuously threatened by Islamic militants and is been raided by immigrants from the same countries which is threatening to bomb it if any of its territory is used to attack, Cyprus will be bombed before the other countries...
  8. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    Here is the link, I don't know what your definition of mountain is , but in the link you will find plenty. I don't know if you were talking about Malta or you went to Malawi, maybe malawi has some mountains too? https://peakvisor.com/adm/malta.html
  9. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    Well, next time do better research, here are the links to heinous murders and killings in cyprus. I will just share 2 for now since its a waste of my time since I am not selling cyprus residency or company incorporation services...
  10. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    Which countries don't have audit requirements if I may ask?
  11. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    Maybe holding company in gibralter or dubai with Spanish branch would work, but check with a good attorney in spain first. Again, these structures are useless if shareholders live in a tax hell, it's important to know where the shareholders live.
  12. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    I would argue living conditions are better in Malta, there are mountains in the north, there is good and comino as well. Then there is st julians and paceville and then marsaskala in the south which is more laid back and has mansions. Sorry but Malta is way safer than Cyprus, we don't have...
  13. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    I would argue living conditions are better in Malta, there are mountains in the north, there is gozo and comino as well. Then there is st julians and paceville and then marsaskala in the south which is more laid back and has mansions. Sorry but Malta is way safer than Cyprus, we don't have...
  14. A

    Best tropical place to live?

    So you think Cyprus is a better tropical place to live? Overall?
  15. A

    Best management location for US LLC

    Why a spanish company? Where do the shareholders live? I would stay away from Spain, I know some people have been audited due to beckham law status and told that their Spanish company is not genuine even after declaring profits, this is the level of tax authorities you are dealing with.