F F freedomseeker Sep 16, 2022 Are you still around? as a Canadian I am curious as to what you had to do with our country non being in on the Hague treaty when it comes to Paraguay residency? How did you over come it? could you send me your e-mail so i might ask more questions?
Are you still around? as a Canadian I am curious as to what you had to do with our country non being in on the Hague treaty when it comes to Paraguay residency? How did you over come it? could you send me your e-mail so i might ask more questions?
E E eltoro18 Sep 11, 2022 Hi Thomas. Could you please tell me how hard was doing the Paraguay residence by yourself? Does it worth paying for some legal services?. Thanks!
Hi Thomas. Could you please tell me how hard was doing the Paraguay residence by yourself? Does it worth paying for some legal services?. Thanks!