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Turkish banks - anyone has experience?


Active Member
Mar 22, 2018
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Hey guys,

I got an estimate from an agent, claiming he can open an account in Ziraat Bank and Yapı Kredi Bank in Turkey.

Asking about 2500 EUR for the whole opening process. The agent seems legit, but I heard that Turkish banks are not opening accounts for the offshore companies any longer.

Is this the case? Has anyone had experience using Turkish banks, and / or opening accounts recently? Are they worth trying? Thanks!
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As a Turkish citizen and resident,i can certainly confirm that Turkish Banks are not crappy or shitty.I wont agree with Martin in this case.
We have a bunch of loyal and well known banks here in TR.
It is not a 3rd world country like Georgia , Serbia , Armenia , etc.
United States Sanctions can happen to any country any time while their Mad President is on duty..

We do keep our money in our banks and none of them is stealing our money.I have never heard such a thing.I guess a person who is claiming that might also be thinking that Arabs are living in Turkey,not Turks. :)))

Finally,why would you choose Turkish Banks for offshore ? It is not an offshore country.There is no difference than UK,Germany or USA.
I would never advice to go forward and pay those amount.It is considerably high.
You might try to go for Cyprus or Turkish Republic of Northen Cyprus if you are looking for some offshore benefits.
I have been using LP since 5 years or so.
They are done.You should dissolve that company and found a new one somewhere else,not an LP or LLP.
Finally,why would you choose Turkish Banks for offshore ? It is not an offshore country.There is no difference than UK,Germany or USA.
First of all, thank you for the reply. I also have a thought that Turkey is a reputable country, main reason is that they are part of NATO.

Why Turkey? because no other options are left (at least I can't see any) to work with USD and to send money back and forth within Europe.

My contracts don't work with small island banks and such.
Have you tried EPB ?
I have a working account for LLP since 4 years and never had horror stories like in those forums.
As long as you have documents , invoices , contracts for incoming and outgoing payments,you wont have any issue there.
Do not touch Turkey with a barge pole if you value your money. The country suffered a coupe, currency is falling apart, it's about to face sanctions, economy is deteriorating etc etc. I know Turks are very patriotic but you will live to regret it.....lol.
Do not touch Turkey with a barge pole if you value your money. The country suffered a coupe, currency is falling apart, it's about to face sanctions, economy is deteriorating etc etc. I know Turks are very patriotic but you will live to regret it.....lol.
What can be an alternative for a bank (real bank)? :)
I dont know really if Turkish Banks would accept it or not but i am sure you would have issues after the transactions start happening.

I again dont agree with Marteen.Our country is having hard times at the moment but it is not like you read in newspapers.
We know what press is made for.They show what they want and you believe it .

If you are able to change LP structure to persons from companies,you also have a chance to open a bank account in CIM Banq.
Did you know that ?
What can be an alternative for a bank (real bank)? :)

What are you trying to avoid firstly by going offshore. Secondly companies you work for reject EPB....lol...why?

Our country is having hard times at the moment but it is not like you read in newspapers.

You put it lightly. Roll on Venezuela. However I hope for the best for Turkey as I know how bullying the U.S is and your a damn ally of U.S which is even more sad.
Well Martin,
I dont like political issues or people.
US is treatening Turkey with s400 anticrafts.
Turkey needs an air defense system and s400 seems to be the best choice as US patriots are not technological enough to protect from air attacks.
US also trying to kick Turkey from F35 developments.
We simply try to protect our country.If US would be a true ally,they would not matter this issue but they always want weak allies or enemies.
Too much to say..
Noone can explain what US did and doing in Vietnam,Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria,Kuwait.......
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We simply try to protect our country.If US would be a true ally,they would not matter this issue but they always want weak allies or enemies.

US is a friend of NO country. They only want vessel states and lapdog foreign leaders as friends and Erdogan and Turkey is neither. India facing same issue with 5% tariffs slapped on them now and removal of their special trade status for exports to U.S. Again because of S400 purchase.

Noone can explain what US did and doing in Vietnam,Afghanistan,Iraq,Syria,Kuwait.......

The U.S military complex is a big business. The business of the U.S is war and selling weapons and has always been for its entire history. These wars have little to do with protecting americans but all to do with the elite making money. Over $6trn spent on middle east wars. That money never went to the middle east instead it went into the pockets of suppliers of U.S military i.e Boeing etc etc and then ultimately shareholders i.e the elite. Big subject for another thread.

Bottom line is Trumps style, like it is with China, is to bring your country to its knees and then watch you come begging for relief or cancel S400 order. India facing same issue. Germany will also over its Russian gas pipeline so don't feel alone here.
Yep,you got the point.
Do you see what they are trying to Huawei ? Kicking it from all software and hardware providers.
I am a big fan of Apple but this time i hope Huawei makes it to end and become the biggest Mobile seller.
We dont want to bend this time,no other country should.
In last 12 months our money nearly lost %50 of its value due to recessions but we prefer being independent to being rich.
Like you have mentioned up there,Turks are really patriotic. :))))))
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