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UK Business Bank Account (Cheapest Solution Needed)

Can i ask why you need a uk account, i am in the UK and offer various corporate services but high street physical banks here are very hard to open even as a uk resident.

The reason why I need UK bank account depend on whether the account would be business type or personal type.

If personal type: then mostly for withdrawing donations (if any) from donating websites. Donators never send anything to bank account directly. Some may be also for few crowd funding campaigns (e.g. indiegogo, kickstarter websites) to bring the new idea(s) to the world's market.

If business type: then mostly to connect account with some merchant account provider for cards processing. Most likely bank's (the one where account would be hold) own merchant department. Why? Because possibility to avoid having to provide company documentation is the largest here.

Also it further depends on possible ability if whoever would want to help (either for small fee that i pay or for free) with account opening would be able to provide new business accounts on regular basis. Not all at the same time but e.g. 2 or 3 per month. If yes, I would prefer business type of account. If not, which means he/she/they/you (if you would be able to help @scdgroup) can only provide one business account and never again or at least this year not, then I would most likely prefer personal type of account.

For the past half year, I have been doing this like 10+ hours per day. Trying hard to get account opened in one of the needed (UK + few others) countries for cheap enough service. I found very few services, very very few but wasn't able to use them due to one or two or all of the following reasons:

- too expensive
- been asked for impossible to get documents
- been asked for video interview and/or selfie (i don't do this)
- needed country was not in their countries list

The good thing is that I found, as said in previous message, free of charge (yes completely free) solution to open either personal or business account in my case in Barclays UK but the problem is that I cannot afford UK Royal Mail international EU forwarding fee for physical items like PINSEntry calculator device with battery included (preferable more than one), ATM debit card, telephone banking passcode (highest layer of security), ATM pin and any other welcome material.

If you can anyhow assist or at least point me to the right direction, I would owe you for a lifetime.
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For the past half year, I have been doing this like 10+ hours per day.

- too expensive
- been asked for impossible to get documents
- been asked for video interview and/or selfie (i don't do this)
- needed country was not in their countries list

The good thing is that I found, as said in previous message, free of charge (yes completely free) solution to open either personal or business account in my case in Barclays UK but the problem is that I cannot afford UK Royal Mail international EU forwarding fee for physical items like PINSEntry calculator device with battery included (preferable more than one), ATM debit card, telephone banking passcode (highest layer of security), ATM pin and any other welcome material.

If you can anyhow assist or at least point me to the right direction, I would owe you for a lifetime.

So i doubt for a year you have spent 10+ hours a day looking for a service.
I am in the UK and even for me as a UK resident i struggle to get opened a business account.
Assuming for the Barclays account you need an address, what have you been quoted? Might be able to help with that one

All UK banks since Brexit was announced have made it harder to open accounts in the UK, and even harder if you are outside of the UK. On bank application forms they ask will you receive and send payments outside of the UK, as soon as you click this alarm bells start ringing with them for no reason!
Has it ever crossed your mind to use a different site that accepts EMI accounts huh?

EMI??? I am looking for real physical bank account that I can open. If this would be from UK then either Barclays, HSBC, Santander, Lloyds. Definitely not some ewallets.

So i doubt for a year you have spent 10+ hours a day looking for a service.
I am in the UK and even for me as a UK resident i struggle to get opened a business account.
Assuming for the Barclays account you need an address, what have you been quoted? Might be able to help with that one

All UK banks since Brexit was announced have made it harder to open accounts in the UK, and even harder if you are outside of the UK. On bank application forms they ask will you receive and send payments outside of the UK, as soon as you click this alarm bells start ringing with them for no reason!

it can be personal account too.

For UK personal account, the offered price was 400 EUR. Included shipping fee of physical items.

I can provide UK based notarized passport and UK utility bill but the problem is if they considered me as UK resident, they might request from me later to visit the branch for any reason, e.g. getting temporary suspended online access back to normal, clarifying incoming transactions with ID document, pick up telephone banking passcode with ID document, extending online banking access membership (i doubt this is needed), reactivating ATM debit card, picking new battery for pinsentry calculator device, etc. I would never be able to visit the UK's branch at all. No exception. If they knew i am the resident of foreign EU country (not uk resident) then they have no right to require from me to travel to uk and visit the branch. So I would prefer to show them UK notarized passport but foreign utility bill so I can be considered resident of foreign EU country but with British nationality.

One solution I found is the following:

Non UK EU residents hub page

There are 3 major benefits if using that. Those benefits are:

1. i most likely won't need to pay to get account opened but need to double check.
2. i don't need to search for someone in uk who would get physical items delivered and reship them to foreign EU country
3. i would save money for not needing to reship the items.

However there are also two major disadvantages:

1 (more important): any kind of communication before or after the account would be opened, is most likely going to be via physical post. Since they would surely use UK Royal Mail as method of sending outgoing envelope, i don't think i would ever be able to receive that envelope to my hands. The only partial solution i see here is to BUY the physical small and cheap letter box and put it anywhere where I can walk to. However if I would put that letter box near some random house then house owner would throw that away immediately thinking local post office did that by mistake. Surely i could choose location where noone lives but there is no registered address on such location. Therefore the postman wouldn't be able to find it. We don't have any abandoned houses here.

2 (less important): as far as i am aware of, Natwest doesn't support telephone banking service so its not possible to do outgoing wire transactions, either national or international, over the phone.
Your post doesnt make much sense to me!
Baffled as to what your exact issue is, there are plenty of banks in the UK that offer quick easy accounts but they are online only, you dont want to travel here etc so why would his be an issue?

High street banks even for UK residents are at the best of times hard to open... Let alone any EU resident.
Not an issue but want to avoid having to be requested to visit the branch. I would never be able to do this.

What do you consider as ''high street bank''?

Not sure what are you trying to say. But let me know what you could offer (service) and how much would i have to pay you. Also which documents, if any, would i have to provide.
You are wanting a high street bank account but for what reason high street bank? You clearly dont want to come over for a branch visit, and if theres a problem on the account they will want you to come in.... So not getting this point...

I am saying that UK banks are a nightmare even if you stay and are a UK resident!
You are wanting a high street bank account but for what reason high street bank? You clearly dont want to come over for a branch visit, and if theres a problem on the account they will want you to come in.... So not getting this point...

I am saying that UK banks are a nightmare even if you stay and are a UK resident!

If I am not UK resident then I assume they will be smart enough to not require from me to visit the branch.

I am still not completely sure what do you consider with term ''high street bank'' but if this term means largest financial institutions (e.g. barclays, hsbc, santander or lloyds) then this is because i need bank account so i will be able to receive and send bank transfers, either national or international in both forms: wire and deposit.

If you were having in your mind ewallet (online wallets) like Paypal then this won't work because you cannot do banking transactions with this at all. Paypal is full of errors and nonsense excuses why particular error is occuring. I need real physical bank account number IBAN with sort code (or alternative ''Clearing Identification Code'' [in UK it is called ''sort code'']) and preferable but NOT required own IBAN. This way I don't need to provide memo reference message to the sender and can additionally protect myself in case if website from where (if ever) i would be doing withdrawal doesn't offer possibility of withdrawing (resulting into bank transfer) to the bank account according to requested memo reference message. Those reference messages are usually required if having shared IBAN so account holder and also financial institution will know where to deposit funds, who is the payer, what payer wants to say in transaction etc. Paypal, Skrill, Neteller and whatever other online based solution instead of real bank, doesn't support such banking transactions. The money movement is usually only between internal online accounts. Also just in case if you had in mind any mobile based solution, I say in advance that I don't have smart phone to install any mobile application.

I really wish very much to own UK (or few alternative countries) bank account. Working hard for this.
why not? If you are in the UK then you probably have some close street address where you walk by daily or almost daily, do you? If you do, 50% of the problem is solved because uk royal mail delivers everywhere.
i pay you your service fee, you get envelope(s) delivered, shipped it to my instructed EU address outside of UK and for business account thats it. The ''only'' (although big enough!) task left is to find a company which has strictly only one director (ceo). As you are probably aware of Barclays ( * ) doesn't offer business account online opening if more than 1 directors (CEOs).

* i never said I would be interested for Barclays only.

His problem is between chair and keyboard.

Why insulting me? I just came here to ask for assistance and been waiting for it for over 3 months (see my first post). Didn't insult anyone so no need to be rude.
i pay you your service fee, you get envelope(s) delivered, shipped it to my instructed EU address outside of UK and for business account thats it. The ''only'' (although big enough!) task left is to find a company which has strictly only one director (ceo). As you are probably aware of Barclays ( * ) doesn't offer business account online opening if more than 1 directors (CEOs).

I am not sure your budget would stretch to being able to pay for this kind of service as per your previous posts you want something for nothing basically.
I am not sure your budget would stretch to being able to pay for this kind of service as per your previous posts you want something for nothing basically.

I believe getting something delivered from location where you are basically every day and reship it internationally is pretty much cheap service if working with individual. Very quick work and easiest possible you could be asked for.
Okay if you think its cheap why cant you find the service? Because its not cheap....
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