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Canadian e-commerce looking for business bank account for daily crypto transactions and receiving e-transfer payments


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Feb 10, 2021
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I have been reading the MisterTango seems to be Crypto friendly bank. How friendly is it for a Canadian e-commerce business like myself? Our Canadian business account got shut down because of crypto transactions. Our e-commerce receives high volume of crypto and Canadian e-transfer. Any suggestions?

MisterTango wouldn't be a good option. There are other EMI's that are crypto-friendly and are reliable.

What is your market? Is it Canada only?
You are right, the reviews on MisterTango are not very positive. We take crypto for a small % of clients in the USA and other international countries but a majority of our client base is in Canada and they pay by either e-transfer or crypto. Do you have any solid suggestions?
Due to your current customer base, An EMI would be the best option against traditional banks...outright Onboarding inrelation to your situation would require some wriggling...Non Traditional Solutionsrea#44!
You are right, the reviews on MisterTango are not very positive. We take crypto for a small % of clients in the USA and other international countries but a majority of our client base is in Canada and they pay by either e-transfer or crypto. Do you have any solid suggestions?

Try a combination of SpectroCoin and Bankera. Your crypto payments would be covered, but I have no suggestions for e-transfer (which is a Canadian thing).
My opinion is based not on the false negative public opinions, but on the view of the company structure, model and management.
Hi, thats an interesting post. Most service providers will get criticism, some false, some warranted. I have limited knowledge of international banking but circumstances require I learn. Migom looks like a valid set up to me, if anything ambitious in the service offering. There is Bloomberg coverage of the group structure which I thought was a positive - and its listed. What do you expect to see that I am missing?
Hi, thats an interesting post. Most service providers will get criticism, some false, some warranted. I have limited knowledge of international banking but circumstances require I learn. Migom looks like a valid set up to me, if anything ambitious in the service offering. There is Bloomberg coverage of the group structure which I thought was a positive - and its listed. What do you expect to see that I am missing?


I hope you are not one, who joins the forum just to pretend they are a fan of this company.

At first instinct, I wanted to skip your question, but then I thought why not, let's go a little deeper into it.

The main reason you have to be far away from them is that I know what kind of businesses they successfully onboard. It's a BIG RED indicator that signals problems ahead of you. There is no legitimate financial institution that would be allowed to do so.

Regarding the company being listed. It's not that impressive as you might think it is. It took me 5 minutes to dig deeper and I found surprises that really do not surprise hehe.

In 2017 the company had a different name. It was ALFACOURSE INC. It was a video editing service provider. (GENERAL TERMS AND CONTRACT FOR VIDEO TRIBUTE PRODUCTION, AUDIO EDITING, CD-ROM, HOME VIDEO EDITING AND DUPLICATION)

Since they became publicly listed, their annual reports weren't impressive, just several thousand of cash in the balance in the year 2017. (https://sec.report/Document/0001165527-18-000057/)

It's even worse next year.

You can find more info if you wish.

Hello Gediminas

Thank you for the reply (I think!). I'm just starting to use them - yesterday I opened an account.

Having read your thread I was immediately slightly concerned with the previous company but the more I read on the link you provided the happier I get (https://sec.report/Document/0001165527-18-000057/) - what i see here is a co with under $1B in revenue with jump starter status and Royalty in the Board. Did you see this? Companies change and they have to start somewhere.

On January 23, 2020, HRH Prince Maximillian Habsburg was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Migom Global Corp, (the “Company”). Also, on January 23, 2020, Mr. Thomas Schaetti and Mr. Stefan Lenhart were appointed as members of the Board of Directors of the Company. HRH Prince Maximillian Habsburg, Thomas Schaetti, and Stefan Lenhart accepted such appointments on January 23, 2020. Each appointee is independent using the definition of independence under NASDAQ Listing Rule 5605(a)(2) and the standards established by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

There is also reference to the Hong Kong trading arm - I can't confess to be an authority but the app looks good so far. And all the SEC filing looks impressive enough to me. I am transferring small amounts of funds today - happy to post my experience of this.

I cannot comment on their customer base...but have you seen this documentary on HSBC?! "Dirty Money" Cartel Bank (TV Episode 2018) - IMDb am I anymore at risk banking with HSBC? which I can't anyway as they do not offer the crypto service I seem to need. I use coinbase and hitbtc and have done for a while and they are good - if Migom has the functionality in the app I basically get 95% of what I need in one place which is a bank.

I appreciate the links you posted - useful to me in doing my own research.

Wanderer ;)
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL there is no such person as "HRH Prince Maximillian Habsburg"

In 2014 this fake "prince" was an "honorary president" of a Forex company... I'm dying here rof/%rof/%rof/%rof/%rof/%rof/%rof/%

They are trying to pretend that it's HRH Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein, the owner of LGT bank .. as if the owners of LGT bank will associate with bottom of the barrel shitshow at Migom.

@wanderer you are so clearly a fake user coming here to promote Migom that it's just sad

According to your SEC link the totally real Prince already resigned after 3 months :rolleyes:

b)On April 15, 2020, HRH Prince Maximillian Habsburg tendered his resignation from the Board of Directors to the Company.
According to your SEC link the totally real Prince already resigned after 3 months :rolleyes:

b)On April 15, 2020, HRH Prince Maximillian Habsburg tendered his resignation from the Board of Directors to the Company.
Ok, well I didn’t read the whole SEC report!

But look it’s still a bank and it’s regulated. would you agree?

The Apple store wouldn’t host the app too if they were not happy. the app is good.

so far!
First funds are in, so far so good.

I see the criticism from you guys but I look back to my first experience with hitbtc and I don’t see any difference in risk or engaging with new players - other than I don’t have the knowledge you all have on offshore banking.
The only experience I have with migon is that they are the bank one of the crypto exchanges I use has account with. I will wait some months before trying to use them
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