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Id2020.org - Goverment total control Plan


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May 31, 2020
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Hello, goverment are trying to control using covid and for this year probaly they will launch: "id2020"what it is basically a "international id" in app with biometrics, all the bank accounts, all the credit cards, medical information, vaccines, houses, taxes, etc EVERYTHING, very probably this would be propulsury soon and we will not be able to buy or sell without this

How can we avoid this?; how can I have a business without this?, how can have anonimity without this?, and it should be cheap

Maybe this sound rare for some people but in my country they are even thinking about use "vaccines id" to go outside home, police are locking people in flats, etc

I want to be prepare before it happen and we have to use this "fantastic" id
It talks about the perks of security? Without realizing that a honeypot of data they're trying to create is begging to be breached by people with malicious intent.

It mentions social benefits? Yet it's standing and waiting to be misused by sociopaths and control freaks from governments. In plain sight, they do mention that they work with governments.

Another centralization attempt on display. I think that the main problem they have is the free and relatively anonynous means of exchange of information that the Internet provides. That's what this project is about. Since the commies have forced banks to conduct strong KYC due diligence, they think that they can force the ISPs to require the use of digital ID, similar to this one, from all customers. That's the end goal, no doubt in that.


There will be multiple versions of the Internet. To avoid this big brother cancer, just opt out of the future GovNet. Rebel ISPs will move from land-based transmission (which are easy to sever) to satellite service. Smaller community nets which peer with other free market nets in other towns will also form.

Positive news?

Large-scale adoption at least 5 years away. It doesn't work without a wide consensus on a global scale. First movers will shoot themselves in the foot without at least 100 other countries jumping on board at the same time. Likewiae, that Global ID as a standalone service (to a few interested individuals) is utterly useless before mass adoption.
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id2020, same as covid 19, same as agenda 2030, it's all the same s**t, from the same shits.

Backed by Bills Gates and Microsoft, Rockefellers, major vaccine companies. Did I miss Soros's involvement, or is he behind one of the companies mentioned? Doesn't really matter, what Gates likes Soros likes too.

A project with this lineup is more likely to build a lego piece for a tyrannical dynasty that takes away everyone's freedom of choice than it is to help humanity.
I wouldnt worry too much about the mandatory vaccine crap, most doctors will not agree with that and there will always be some who will happily inject the sink or wathever rather than your arm, or at least given a little incentive ..
There is just no way to match reality and digital together flawlessly right now.

Now in 20 years or so when robots/automation will be mainstream everywhere then we are definitely fucked smi(&%
you should see what these great minds are planning...


don't believe it's true? they go even further...

"Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better
I really really hope it is but unfortunately it seems like thats not the case since it's literally on the official WEF website
Just Google some of the ingredients in the vaccine from Pfizer.
Aborted male foetuses
DNA altering compounds.

It's there in black and white is that the sort of s**t you want pumped into your body.
Can some of you guys refer to a website, pdf or something and point to the lines we should read?
Can some of you guys refer to a website, pdf or something and point to the lines we should read?
i actually found that the pfizer vaccine is NOT using aborted fetuses. DNA altering compound -> yes, thats the point of that vaccine. For those who do not like it, use a different covid vaccine: the others work differently, not altering DNA
Before you get the jab ask the professional who is injecting you WHAT IS IN THE BOTTLE if they cant tell you then that is scary. Also look at the ingredients on the box because and google every little additive like for example LB3782G11.
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