Investment Guides

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Finding an overseas real estate investment opportunity that meets your requirements is difficult. You're looking for a place you can live in and make money off of in the long term, right? Living in a foreign country has become a modern requirement for businesses looking to build a strong offshore strategy. When anyone starts thinking about investing in real estate, the first thought that strikes their mind is to look for cheap real estate. While it may be hard to find cheap property deals in big western countries like US, UK or Canada, many other options are available. Countries like Georgia, Cambodia, Moldova and some Asian countries are best known for their low real estate prices. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a beginner in...
Goodwill is a self-explanatory term. It can be used in all kinds of domains or industries with a business purpose, but it is also common in interpersonal relationships. Give a beggar a few coins, and it is considered a gesture of goodwill. Things change to 180 degrees when it comes to business. Some companies target goodwill when they are in trouble, yet there are also situations when goodwill is offered without the receiver actually struggle financially. The concept of goodwill goes even further and may also have different explanations in terms of accounting. In this field, goodwill is considered an intangible asset. All in all, here is everything you need to know about this aspect. Becoming familiar with the goodwill concept...
If you are into offshore applications, you know it already – the fiscal year is one of the most important things to pay attention to. You need to handle taxation, and deal with all the exemptions and benefits, not to mention a series of other procedures associated with the beginning of a new fiscal year. LFY – meaning Last Fiscal Year – refers to the most recent fiscal year of a company. The term is used throughout the next fiscal year. Until the fiscal year changes again, the LFY is a valid term referring to the previous year. The fiscal year change is useful for everyone. Companies can assess their performance. Self-employed professionals must do their taxes. Employees know that their holiday allowance renews at the end of the...
Dealing with lending institutions can raise a plethora of question marks. Ask 20 lenders for an offer, and they will come with all sorts of different features, benefits, and advantages. Therefore you need to educate yourself a little and shop around. There are more types of loans out there, and what works for some people will not work for everyone else. Which describes an example of using unsecured credit? What is the benefit of providing collateral? What happens if you fail to repay the loan? There are so many questions out there, and since each case is individual, there are different answers to each of these questions. This guide will analyze unsecured credit and loans, as well as how you can take advantage of them...
Accounting, financing, investing… All these things have many concepts in common, and while many principles make common sense, some others require a bit of education. For example, most people have no clue that underallocated overhead occurs when you spend more than what you plan. In theory, the idea is fairly simple to understand – there is nothing to be concerned about. However, as you dig deeper, you realize this concept goes way further than that. In fact, it can make things quite complicated too. Generally speaking, applied overheads represent the total of actual overhead costs that are not normally allocated in the first place. Basically, whatever you planned for the production does not work, and you end up spending more...
With rising inflation and constantly changing financial markets worldwide, storing your assets in stocks, bonds, and even cash is becoming riskier day by day. Not everyone has the guts to take such risks with their life's savings or hard-earned money. However, while the world is waging financial wars across each other, there are still options to ensure the safe storage of your assets, precious metals. Gold, silver, palladium and platinum have become widely considered options as risk-free investments. However, for US residents, looking at the country's records, storing your gold assets within the country is never going to work out great. This is where the concept of offshore gold storage comes into the picture. There are many countries...
Debt is always associated with negative things. In fact, most people try to avoid it at all costs, yet there are times when you might need to go into debt in order to achieve things – such as getting a business loan, for example. At the same time, you can do with getting things early and paying for them later, rather than save upfront – imagine saving for a house. Instead, a mortgage makes a better idea. Then, a car loan will give you reliability and a bit more control over your commute. Even credit cards can be handy, despite their high interest rates. You can use them for a series of perks they come with – assuming you pay everything back on time and you avoid the high interest rates. Basically, make sure they cannot take your...
Becoming a chartered financial analyst takes time and training. Achieving a diploma or taking a course may not always be enough – sometimes, a professional distinction could make the difference in becoming a competitive expert. The CFA distinction will provide more than just knowledge – you will gain experience in investment analysis. You will be recognized internationally for your professionalism, as well as your commitment to ethics. However, this program is not for everyone. There are several tests you need to go through, as well as plenty of training. It is, however, one of the most sought-after qualifications and can provide for a good future. All in all, here is what you need to know about the exam, as well as how to train for...
Economic growth is a concept that most people associate with governments and countries, yet it can also affect businesses and companies. The general idea is pretty much the same, regardless of what you refer to. The rapid growth force of will targeting economics implies a direct growth of the production of goods. When it comes to services, it refers to the expansion of such services, whether there are more services offered or a higher range of customers. Now, here comes one aspect that most people forget to pay attention to. The economic growth measurement does not count the effects of inflation as well. Therefore, while sometimes it might look like there is economic growth, the harsh effects of inflation can cancel it, without...
Common in both business industries and personal lives, the obligation to repay is a concept that most people try to stick to, yet many of them fail, leading to even more losses in the long run. The obligation to repay is practically included in almost every agreement that involves lending money. The legal profile of this concept is more common when dealing with actual institutions, such as banks or lending companies. But then, the obligation to repay can sometimes be unwritten, too – when you lend money from friends and family. The difference is there is nothing they can do legally if you fail to repay. Now, the business obligation to repay goes further and includes a wide variety of aspects. For example, all advances will come with...
Retained earnings represent an amount of money that most people overlook – in fact, the concept is completely ignored in small businesses and even middle-sized companies. It is, however, more common in large corporations, which are normally led by well-trained people. Now, the concept of retained earnings is self-explanatory and fairly simple to understand. These earnings are part of the net income, and they are normally retained by the management for all sorts of business-related operations. Unlike most of the income or profit, these earnings are not paid as dividends to shareholders. Instead, they are most commonly held in a reserve fund. Sometimes, they are reinvested back into the business. Other times, they are used for debt or...