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Migom bank withdrawal issues

I am starting a storm. All these guys are criminals, starting with Mr. Georgi Perrik. I will start with FSU of Dominica, and then see what's next. Some of these guys reside in US and US authorities don't like guys like this. Money back or jail in this case.
There are solutions to their problem, if they accept external help (which was offered), in which case they'd have to give some things up, but they do not want to, they want to just it all to keep to themselves, and continue do the s**t they are doing.

Why are you afraid if they read? You shouldn't. They didn't fulfill their obligations, you are not obliged to keep it to yourself any more. They *should* read this and understand that they are not going to get away with it.
Agreement WAS broken - by them (they didn't pay you within the term indicated in the agreement). Also, they broke the very basic banking laws, but that's another story.

They problem is lack of access to some of our funds stuck in correspondent bank and inability to move them.
Have any of you had any updates from Migom this week?

Last week I was told that they would be releasing funds but that didn’t happen and now nobody is responding at all.
You all are dealing with REAL SCAMMERS here. The words one chooses (MIGOM) to use to communicate say a lot about them. These people are deflecting! 100%! Plagiarism like NO other! Look at this:

Now, compare it to this:

I'm so sorry many of you fell for this. You all need to get your money out of there ASAP!

PS. People, there are signs. There are ALWAYS signs! People tell you who they are! Sometimes, people are too stupid (low IQ) to discern legit from scam. DYOR!

PSS. The "good" out of all of this is: They are NOT CIs (Confidential Informants). They are too greedy to only accept 5 -15% from the feds. They want it all hoping that "you" will NOT go to the feds.


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I don't know this bank, it is first time I hear about it. I just checked their website and as you do when you want to check if a broker is reliable or not, is to check bottom of the website

Migom Bank Ltd
Our address is: 75 Hillsborough Street, 2nd Floor, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica

Why would anyone deposit his hard earned money with a bank in a dodgy jurisdiction

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