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Euro Pacific bank is a scam

The problem is that both the Commissioner and the Regulator are incompetent and merely puppets of J5 who have commended the actions of the OCIF in suspending EPB and have left the issue hanging in the air after there was no evidence of money laundering found. Now that J5 have failed to achieve that objective of finding criminal activity within EPB they have moved on as they accomplished their mission in getting the bank closed and have left the fallout to the 2 puppets to resolve who both have no clue what to do. Having tremendous power without competence is what we are up against and throw in some inflated egos for good measuure. One big mess!
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I was in Portugal a few weeks ago. I went to Novo Banks headquarters and after more than an hour not getting anywhere, I finally managed to speak to a lady who was familiar with the case. All that she was willing to share with me was "As of today we haven't received a proper channel to transfer the funds."

I fully agree with Peter, the Commissioner is the only one responsible for everything that's happened. She had other, much better options that would have accomplished the same result, while truly protecting the interest of the Customers. We have lost access to our money because of her, who never thought of the consequences of her actions, and here we are almost 17 months later, with no end in sight.

*At some point all of us should consider getting together to get a lawyer to represent us and put pressure on the useless Commissioner.
I think the OCIF Commissioner was illegally pressured by the IRS to reject the sale of the bank to Qenta and put the bank into receivership, so the J5 could confirm prior media reports that EPB was in fact the target or Operation Atlantis. I think this was done at the request of the Australian media company that I sued for defamation, as they were the only party that had something to gain by the official confirmation. I don't have any proof of this as none of the parties involved will admit to it, and likely destroyed all the evidence of their crimes. But its the only possible explanation for the Commissioner's actions and statements. What also makes it harder is that governments were part of the criminal conspiracy, so its nearly impossible to get government to investigate itself, and courts are reluctant to believe government officials can be this corrupt.
I think the OCIF Commissioner was illegally pressured by the IRS to reject the sale of the bank to Qenta and put the bank into receivership, so the J5 could confirm prior media reports that EPB was in fact the target or Operation Atlantis. I think this was done at the request of the Australian media company that I sued for defamation, as they were the only party that had something to gain by the official confirmation. I don't have any proof of this as none of the parties involved will admit to it, and likely destroyed all the evidence of their crimes. But its the only possible explanation for the Commissioner's actions and statements. What also makes it harder is that governments were part of the criminal conspiracy, so its nearly impossible to get government to investigate itself, and courts are reluctant to believe government officials can be this corrupt.

If someone would take the time to look at the facts, they would clearly understand there was no logical reason for closing the bank, much less for all the consequences that we are left with and that no one seems to be able to solve.
No one is giving a press conference about this.
We have new Migration Update dated on 21st of November.
"We will continue to work diligently with the Receiver to ensure the smooth migration of opt-in customers at the earliest possible date."

With whom they want to work if the receiver is not working at all and has no competence to do so.
Moreover knowledge about banking is below level zero.
Again new update brings no update. I feel like in fairytale titled "We in 2099".
I'm really fed up with this sh*t!
May I ask what you believe will happen with all the energy you put into getting something out of a bank that has closed and is located in a country that couldn't be more indifferent to other people's money and the consequences of its bank closure?
The problem that I see is that nobody is being held accountable.
The Commissioner accomplished her goal of closing the bank and collecting a nice amount of money in the form of a fine, and she them cleaned her hands by appointing a Receiver.
The Receiver doesn't know what he's doing and he is happy to wing it as he can keep making money for himself. He never provides any clarity to what's happening, the least customers know the better for him, that's why his updates can be read as "I've no idea what I'm doing, but I'm making money while you are all stuck with me, so keep on waiting guys." He has now stopped collecting documentation, no need to get anything done in advance I guess, let's just leave it until whenever, who knows when that will be.
And that's it, 17 months gone by with no end in sight. I wonder what the Receiver does on daily basis.

This is not looking good.

Peter, I know you have moved on but you're the owner of the bank, and all of us are seriously screwed. Why not try to find out what's happening by getting in touch with the Commissioner and try to put some pressure on her, this circus has gone long enough, you've got nothing lose by now, and we would all appreciate your help.
I'm sure this isn't helping, and I'm sure the useless Receivers has no idea how to comply with European Banking Regulations.

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