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Bitcoin forks and their future


freedom addicted ultra relativist
Pro Member
Oct 3, 2017
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ok, let's discuss what is current position, purpose and future of bitcoin forks like bcash and litecoin

I don’t know the future. I know from looking at the past that the future is unpredictable. Not necessarily the best product wins: see Betamax vs VHS.
Therefore, I follow an index investing approach and hold all the top 30 crypto.
I'd say the future is predictable but not certain (which is what people mostly desire) - one has to have his own probabilistic model (the difficult part) and the rest is just math (relatively easy nowadays) and money management

by "meaningless without future" (speaking for example about BCH or LTC) I mean highly improbable to survive in my own model, no certainty

I'd be also careful to use words like "best" which is always relative to the observer and especially when it comes to companies or investment contracts - can we find an example of a dominant commodity that lost it's position? gold did pretty well until a better one emerged - surely there is non-zero probability that BTC will be replaced by another commodity but it would have to have features that makes big enough the difference in given context - BTC or LTC are too similar, XMR (not a fork of BTC) has bigger chance to keep up at least for a while
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I have dumped all BCH (not that I had very much), stopped BTC accumulation and focused on LTC. Why? Because LTC requires a minuscule transaction fee right now and probably could be atomically swapped with BTC while bypassing centralized exchanges in the future.

BTC or LTC are too similar
Actually I don't see here a liability but an asset.
I have dumped all BCH (not that I had very much), stopped BTC accumulation and focused on LTC. Why? Because LTC requires a minuscule transaction fee right now and probably could be atomically swapped with BTC while bypassing centralized exchanges in the future.

Actually I don't see here a liability but an asset.
lightning has low fees as well, so ltc value prop is just not there. it also doesnt look like it can outperform btc over the longer term.
Im on the look for some new ones which can outperform in the short term.
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Actually I don't see here a liability but an asset.
it's a liability, LTC has no edge and almost zero chance to find its own niche to survive in competition with BTC/lightning
XMR for instance has a better position because it's at least possible to see it as property and it has potential to distinguish (not saying I strongly believe in its success/survival in the long-term)

the dominant product/asset eats it all

there is youtube (BTC) and pornhub (XMR :D) but no other meaningful mainstream platform
same picture in search engines, ecommerce, desktop OS, mobile devices

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