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Assessing the Threat of Hybrid Warfare in Germany and the Nordic Countries: Real Danger or Political Posturing?


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Dec 21, 2021
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What do you think about hybrid warfare in Germany and the Nordic countries? Is it a real threat from Russia, or is it the media and politicians whipping up a frenzy to show that they are good for something?

Do you think there will be a real hybrid war, or will it get even worse although Russia's military units are inferior to NATO's?
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russia for sure much weaker than nato, but you should never underestimate the stupidity of politicians who could bring the war to the EU by their actions.

So, the answer to your question - yes, some kind of direct armed conflict in the EU area are possible under some circumstances.
russia for sure much weaker than nato,
What are you basing that on?
What do you think about hybrid warfare in Germany and the Nordic countries? Is it a real threat from Russia, or is it the media and politicians whipping up a frenzy to show that they are good for something?

Do you think there will be a real hybrid war, or will it get even worse although Russia's military units are inferior to NATO's?
Outside of cyber warfare, what do you think a hybrid warfare between Russia and Germany/The Nordics would entail?

For example, one is happening in Georgia, with the West attempting a regime change to open a second front against Russia. Not sure how Russia achieves that in Norway.

I am also not sure where you get the info that Russia's military unity is inferior to NATO. Russia has just comprehensively defeated a NATO trained, backed, and supplied army in Ukraine. We are talking about 600k+ dead (for nothing other than the USA's strategic imperatives, but that is another topic)

NATO is a wolf in sheep's clothing. UK, France, Germany, Baltics etc. etc. have very little to offer militarily. USA of course but they cannot fight a ground war in Europe. General Covoli said it best, "The scale of this war is out of proportion with all of our recent thinking"
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What are you basing that on?
I read it in the local newspapers

I am also not sure where you get the info that Russia's military unity is inferior to NATO. Russia has just comprehensively defeated a NATO trained, backed, and supplied army in Ukraine. We are talking about 600k+ dead (for nothing other than the USA's strategic imperatives, but that is another topic)
Likewise, I've read it in some newspapers, and I assume that this is based on if Russia were to enter an open war with NATO, then Russia wouldn't stand a chance - that the rest of the world might be useless afterwards is another matter. But I only know what I've read, so I don't know for sure, hence my thread.
You are watching at the wrong direction.
Ukraine war was planned long ago.As Ukraine was always for the US the center of their "chess game"(Brzezinski).
The war there is about keeping US dominance in the world and weaken russia.Russia and germany had to good relations which needed to be destroyed and put a new local guardian in place (poland with 3 sea initiative).

Better keep an eye on middle east.This is going to affect west europe more than people can imagine

About ukraine the first attempt to control ukraine didn't worked .Their main goal was Crimea second goal Donbass to place Nato rockets.
If Putin would lose Crimea it would mean he would lose support of his army leaders and basicly there would be a putch to the pro nato fraction in russia because the army leaders know if they lose crimea they have no chance to defend themself anymore from the black sea as crimea is their navy HQ to control the black sea.Thats why Putin calls Crimea so often as the red line.
At Donbass if Nato rockets were installed it would be 400km away from moscow so they would have even no reaction time.

About germany and russia.US was very unhappy about germany because they created a good relationship with russia
and even i would say majority of german adults prefer today russia over usa which made germany since 1945 their vasall even against their own interest.When germany was supposed to decide if they go with US/Nato or Russia/BRICS germany gave no answer which upset USA and thats why you see now the deindustrialisation of germany because for over 200 years the only main concern of USA was not letting germany unite with russia as german capital and industrilisation and russian resources and manpower could detrone USA
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The war there is about keeping US dominance in the world and weaken russia.Russia and germany had to good relations which needed to be destroyed and put a new local guardian in place (poland with 3 sea initiative).
What is the background for you knowing so much about this? Do you have some kind of university degree, or is it just pure interest?

Better keep an eye on middle east.This is going to affect west europe more than people can imagine
In which way do you think ?
But the way you're writing it, it doesn't really seem likely.

I think at this moment chances for war in EU are small, but not zero.
However depending on how war in Ukraine will be finished, what steps EU and USA will do to prevent possible future wars - chances could rise significantly. russia will not attack powerfull alliance, but could easy attack weak countries that pretended to be protected if NATO would be nearly collapsed state or during some crysis moment.
I read it in the local newspapers

Likewise, I've read it in some newspapers, and I assume that this is based on if Russia were to enter an open war with NATO, then Russia wouldn't stand a chance - that the rest of the world might be useless afterwards is another matter. But I only know what I've read, so I don't know for sure, hence my thread.
Any Western mainstream outlet is providing wildly inaccurate reporting. I mean, they run stories that Russia needs to steal chips from Ukrainian washing machines to build weapons, but then on the next page, that we need to prepare for Russia invading the rest of Europe

They've been telling you for the last two years, that Ukraine is winning. But now it's become obvious to even the most propagandised that this is so far from reality.

All NATO has is the nuclear threat, but that's the end of the world. There will never be NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine. Macron was posturing a few weeks ago, saying we'll send in French troops (big wow, they have zero combat experience), but he's since walked back on that comment after Moscow called in the French ambassador to give him a dressing down.

Don't you think that if Russia was so weak, poorly trained, lacked supplies, etc, NATO would have already made a move? Yet they haven't because they can't - most countries have no army, are low on supplies and have serious recruitment problems. Who wants to go fight in the Transgender Brigade, where you're promoted rank from how good your pronouns are rather than your skills as a soldier?

Nato is only powerful when it has air superiority and goes up against part-timers. Going up against the most combat-tested ground force in the world right now, who also has missiles that cannot be shot down, and who has troops who actually want to fight as they see what's happening as an existential threat? I don't see how NATO can come out on top.
There will never be NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine.
I think there will be in west ukraine as thats the desired result of russia.
West ukraine by international law still is owned by Poland.
It was put only under ukraine administration till a peace treaty comes for wwII which didn't happen till today.

Medwedew also had a conference publishing this on their screen

Now USA wants to create Poland and Westukraine as the new block against russia/eurasia like germany after wwll against the communist block.Only poland is to small by territory and more important citizens.
Billions of funding already waiting for ukraine once the war stops thats why assets in west ukraine may be interresting for some people
South ukraine too ? IF russia doesn't confiscate ownership of these assets from western citizens

The problem for poland currently ?They are trying hard to get to 280k passive reservists so if poland moves to west ukraine these people will be forced by law to move to ukraine or else a big punishment accures.
The only problem the poles are smelling it and noone wants to go to the passive reservists even for free training etc.
Now the government is even paying school kids over 18 bigger amount of money to make a 30 day recruitment training in their summer holidays so they can be added to the passive reservists list

What is the background for you knowing so much about this? Do you have some kind of university degree, or is it just pure interest?
I have a university degree but there you won't get teached anything outside mainstream media.
I was very lucky to had old prussian teachers which were very strict where you needed to proof each and everything yourself.We spit blood at these teachers at that time but thanks to them you have a unique structur to think and check everything yourself if something is true or not and you check it from the source.
25 years ago the first movement started in germany seeing that the german government is working against their own people.
It was a very small movement but with very inteligent people and during that time you could also meet diffrent kind of people even with people who had direct relations to davos and didn't agree to it.
They spit out some of their roadmaps and how the world really works which is very shocking expecially if you just came out of university with your brainwashed thinking how the world works.

In which way do you think ?
It will cause civil wars with unseen violance and it won't be citizens vs government like people are thinking
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I think there will be in west ukraine as thats the desired result of russia.
West ukraine by international law still is owned by Poland.
It was put only under ukraine administration till a peace treaty comes for wwII which didn't happen till today.

Medwedew also had a conference publishing this on their screen
View attachment 6774

Now USA wants to create Poland and Westukraine as the new block against russia/eurasia like germany after wwll against the communist block.Only poland is to small by territory and more important citizens.
Billions of funding already waiting for ukraine once the war stops thats why assets in west ukraine may be interresting for some people
South ukraine too ? IF russia doesn't confiscate ownership of these assets from western citizens
I used to think there would be a "peacekeeping" force around the Lvov area, with Poland getting some of the old Galicia, and that might still happen. But in terms of actual NATO ground troops engaged in combat (not sheep-dipped ones like there are now, but fighting for their country officially), it will not happen. It would be too big an escalation. I don't think people realise how restrained Russia has been.

And now I also think the objectives have changed, given that there seems to be no real chance of negotiation. If you saw the Victory Day parade, a unit was waving the Odessa flag. That looks to be on the table, and they've also built a flotilla across the Dnieper, so all I see is rump state Ukraine and whoever the next government is having to remove all the neo-nazis in the west fully. Or Russia takes it all and removes all elements of the Azov/Banderists.
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Do you guys really think that Russian in foreign with China can beat USA in foreign Nato ?
All NATO has is nuclear weapons, which is a war nobody wins as everyone dies.

Regarding actual military capability, some NATO members with capable armies would give a good account of themselves on the battlefield, but they are too few. They'd run out of men and supplies in days/weeks. Their burn rate will be higher than their resupply rate; it's unsustainable. And, of course, the USA is decent, but when did they last win a war? And a ground war in Europe? I don't see how they fight one. They are a maritime power and I don't think that translates well to a fight against Russia.

Russia has the largest, battle-tested, and combat-hardened military in the world at this moment. They are also up for the fight. And who knows what else they have in their arsenal? We already know those hypersonics cannot be shot down. They can hit anything they want across Europe.
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