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About Forex Trading Companies in Cyprus


Dec 29, 2008
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Setting up a Forex company is slightly more complicated than most people think. The market is huge and because money is exchanging hands on a regular basis, the rules and regulations set by authorities are extremely tight. Of course, this means that you’ll need more than a small investment to get your business off the ground, but once you have done so, you stand to gain a lot!

The first thing that needs to happen after you have registered you company is apply for a Forex Trading company license. It isn’t a case of filling out a simple form and submitting it to the CYSEC though. Oh no! In fact the CYSEC require a payment of EUR 2,000 before they will even look at your application. It doesn’t stop just there though. The cost extends a further EUR 5,000 up to EUR 10,000 depending on what fees you incur. What does this mean? You could be paying anywhere up to EUR 51,000 for a Forex Trading company license.

This definitely breaks most people’s bank, but that is the idea. This means the only people that run Forex Trading companies are those that are 100% serious. It keeps all the wannabes out of the market, meaning you’ll have a much bigger market share. This is where it gets interesting. There is plenty of room in the market for new companies, which is obviously great for the likes of YOU!

What you need to do is budget. There is no point applying for a Forex Trading company license if you don’t have the cash to back your business and make it a huge success. You’ll need money for staff, promotion and even website development. If you are looking to become a broker then you’ll need to devise to professional constructed software. Of course, on top of this you’ll need a support team that can handle any enquiries, as the chances are that you don’t have the first clue about the software.

The next thing you need to assess is the amount of share capital that you will need. The amount of share capital does depend on the type of Forex Trading Company that you are looking to be. The most basic is one that just offers advice and order transmissions. If this is something that sounds appealing to you then the upfront share capital required will be just EUR 80,000. If you want to do anything else then you may be required to have a share capital of EUR 200,000. It doesn’t stop there though; if you want a full blown Forex Trading Company then you’ll need to have a share capital of EUR 1,000,000!

Setting up a Forex Trading Company is extremely complicated. Luckily there are a range of company formation specialists that are on hand to help you. Instead of going through the pain and frustration of trying to set the business yourself, it is advisable to let the professionals take care of it. After all, if you are investing this much money, you’ll need to ensure everything is above board!
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Indeed there are lot's and lot's of requirements compared to some other jurisdictions. However it's important to understand that a Cyprus CySec license is worth any effort compared to Costa Rica or Curacao where financial licenses are cheap and easy to obtain.
I've been reading about Forex Market trading and stuffs like that in the past few years but I've never really tried to dwell into these things. It seems very complicated for me and I think its a BIG or GO HOME situation whenever you deal with Forex. I have this one friend who is somehow good in Forex trading and he actually made a fortune just by predicting the market? I think I should read more articles about Forex. Although its not as easy as we think, there might be some inner luck inside us that will help us in our way.
i dont get the meaning of forex. What is forex market.. is it like stock market?
Forex is a short term for Foreign Exchange Market. It usually handles about currencies and some are making fortune just predicting the trend in the Forex.

Learn more about forex here Foreign exchange market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My two cents, you only trade currency pairs in Forex Market. You can't buy and hold one currency singularly.
Hmm, what do you mean you can't buy and hold one currency singularly? I don't get it can you please elaborate? I'm also not an expert in Forex but I want to learn a few stuffs too.
Via Forex trading brokers you cant buy or sell USD singularly. It is traded in pairs, for instance EUR/USD. Once Euro values better comparatively, it would improve the pair.
Via Forex trading brokers you cant buy or sell USD singularly. It is traded in pairs, for instance EUR/USD. Once Euro values better comparatively, it would improve the pair.
Ohh I see. How come they do that? I tried an app before which contains about Forex trading and predicting the market and I've never thought that in real forex trading, they are always in pairs.

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