Why? Do you care? ... "Just saying" here should be interpreted as 'bring some info of your own that is constructive to the thread or else stop belittling or piss+++on someone else's' (regarding yesterday's posts between 19:59 and 21:02) ... I mean, it's not the first time Fred comes in with ad hominem or patronizing remarks/comments...I don't -and ever won't- pretend I know anything more than I do, but I appreciate the input I can get from that may know more than me in any given area, without any pomp and circumstance attached. And if my job was that of providing a service related to a topic discussion, I'd try my best to present myself as knowledgeable and articulate in the matter, that's all.What does this mean "just saying"?
"You're a piece of s**t!... Just saying" -- should it be used like this?
OK, last post on this, I already said I wouldn't answer to Fred's rants, will make that open for others' as well.