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Migration of the World’s Millionaires

troubled soul

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Aug 23, 2020
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Don't know what's more stupid, moving to totalitarian regimes such as Australia where they were beating the living s**t out of people not too long ago or moving to Israel, a hot landing zone.
I don’t think that journos have access to personal residency data of tens of thousands of individuals all over the world. In other words, this is total BS.
Btw, wealthy Chinese do move to Australia and Canada. The reasons why they do this are many and include China’s soft world domination strategy. Someone will write a book on it eventually.
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Well, there may be something correct with this MAP but I can't imagine that it can show anything close to real numbers.
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I don’t think that journos have access to personal residency data of tens of thousands of individuals all over the world. In other words, this is total BS.
Btw, wealthy Chinese do move to Australia and Canada. The reasons why they do this are many and include China’s soft world domination strategy. Someone will write a book on it eventually.
I agree on the data being bs but gotta comment on what is presented. This bs is used to manipulate people into thinking one thing or another.

As for China, they are really colonizing the rest of the world while the world is talking gender indentity and some centuries old slavery.
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I agree on the data being bs but gotta comment on what is presented. This bs is used to manipulate people into thinking one thing or another.

As for China, they are really colonizing the rest of the world while the world is talking gender indentity and some centuries old slavery.
China is looking for new markets. With that they are doing many mistakes. Tye fruits they harveat are very expensive, very often they do harvest nothing.
Look a bit deeper into their investments in Africa, or into the Iron Silk Road, or into their newest prestige project in SE-Asia (The Trans Laos Railway which should link China with ports in Thailand but ends at the Mekong without any signs of same-gauge extension) - from an economic perspective a total failure.
China is good in presenting itself as a prosperous nation with global ambitions. However, their investments are worse than what oil-rich Gulf States are doing.
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China is looking for new markets. With that they are doing many mistakes. Tye fruits they harveat are very expensive, very often they do harvest nothing.
Look a bit deeper into their investments in Africa, or into the Iron Silk Road, or into their newest prestige project in SE-Asia (The Trans Laos Railway which should link China with ports in Thailand but ends at the Mekong without any signs of same-gauge extension) - from an economic perspective a total failure.
China is good in presenting itself as a prosperous nation with global ambitions. However, their investments are worse than what oil-rich Gulf States are doing.
Laos railway cost = 6 billion USD. 1/3 of their GDP.
60% of that is sponsored by Bank of China. The other 40% are 3 Chinese state owned firms and 1 Laos gov owned firm. Out of that 40% the Chinese firms own 70% bringing the total owned by China to 88%, if my math is right.

Laos is now selling state owned assets to pay the loan. Laos electric power grid is now under Chinese control. The railroad is under Chinese control too. Laos is neck deep in debt and China owns it.

Doesn't sound like a failure to me, it sounds like a debt trap instead and China has been laying a lot of those lately.
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Laos railway cost = 6 billion USD. 1/3 of their GDP.
60% of that is sponsored by Bank of China. The other 40% are 3 Chinese state owned firms and 1 Laos gov owned firm. Out of that 40% the Chinese firms own 70% bringing the total owned by China to 88%, if my math is right.

Laos is now selling state owned assets to pay the loan. Laos electric power grid is now under Chinese control. The railroad is under Chinese control too. Laos is neck deep in debt and China owns it.

Doesn't sound like a failure to me, it sounds like a debt trap instead and China has been laying a lot of those lately.
Debt trap, true.
But: If you own the bank 100 Dollar and you can not serve this debt, it is you who has a problem.
If you own the bank 1 Billion Dollar and you can not serve this debt, it is the bank who has a problem.

In this case the bank is China and the ones who can not pay are the 1-Billion-Dollar debtors.

Check Kenya, Ethopia, Sri Lanka, Zambia, Argentina, Venezuela - all the same: In theory China owns these countries, in practice China own nothing of them.

Anyway, this has not much to do with "Migration of World's Millionaires", so I have to leave it here.
Don't know what's more stupid, moving to totalitarian regimes such as Australia where they were beating the living s**t out of people not too long ago or moving to Israel, a hot landing zone.
Actually, if you study recent history, Israel became a major technology hub because of all the well-educated Russian Jews who fled from Russia to Israel after the breakup of the USSR. Thirty years ago, a million Russian-speaking immigrants arrived in Israel. Overnight, they increased Israel’s population by 20 percent -- and became one of the largest Russian-speaking communities in the world outside the former Soviet Union. They changed Israel profoundly and made it a technology center.

The best and the brightest always flee from places of tyranny to places of freedom. Your warped view of the world has very little to do with actual reality. Comparing the level of freedom in Australia to the level of freedom in China is simply absurd.
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Why most of them move to the „evil and high taxed €/$“ countries like
- Canada
- Australia/New Zealand
- Israel
Most people in developing countries, including millionaires, still look to these brand name countries as the ultimate place to be, the best education for their children, best job opportunities, etc. They will happily pay the taxes in these countries and be able to brag to their friends and family back home how they've made it in the world.
Why most of them move to the „evil and high taxed €/$“ countries like
- Canada
- Australia/New Zealand
- Israel
It's like asking why someone would pay for a fancy resort at a beach with good security, good food, and tons of amenities when they can stay at a cheap, noisy, and polluted motel for half the price. Some people value stability and a good quality of life over a line on their tax return.
Actually, if you study recent history, Israel became a major technology hub because of all the well-educated Russian Jews who fled from Russia to Israel after the breakup of the USSR. Thirty years ago, a million Russian-speaking immigrants arrived in Israel. Overnight, they increased Israel’s population by 20 percent -- and became one of the largest Russian-speaking communities in the world outside the former Soviet Union. They changed Israel profoundly and made it a technology center.

The best and the brightest always flee from places of tyranny to places of freedom. Your warped view of the world has very little to do with actual reality. Comparing the level of freedom in Australia to the level of freedom in China is simply absurd.
Doesn't change the fact that Israel fires up their anti raid sirens multiple times a day because of rocket attacks and people run around like cockroaches when that happens. I wonder if that is enough reason for a brain f**k up, like shell shock. In Moscow last one was fired during WW2.

My brother and sister both live in China, when Australian police were beating the living f**k out of the Australian citizens they were walking around freely. That's what actual reality means but I guess you still think Russia is a totalitarian regime because some US television said so.
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My brother and sister both live in China, when Australian police were beating the living f**k out of the Australian citizens they were walking around freely. That's what actual reality means but I guess you still think Russia is a totalitarian regime because some US television said so.
sounds nasty.... I don't believe Russia is any different. They were the only that had no COVID-19 , they are the only that have NO HOMO's - all according to they press officer. I assume the list is longer.
sounds nasty.... I don't believe Russia is any different. They were the only that had no COVID-19 , they are the only that have NO HOMO's - all according to they press officer. I assume the list is longer.
As someone who travels Mongolia <-> Finland every week or every 2 weeks and spend most of that travel time in Russia I can assure you that when Covid hit, Russia just like most Eastern European countries did not have Nazi concentration camp type laws.

As for the homo's, I don't think mental problems should be used as a measurement unit, in this case measuring a countrys freedom by how much homos there are in that country.
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звучит противно.... Я не верю, что Россия чем-то отличается. Они были единственными, у кого не было COVID-19, они единственные, у кого НЕТ HOMO - все, по словам их пресс-атташе. Я предполагаю, что список длиннее.
в россии было так же как и в других странах
My brother and sister both live in China, when Australian police were beating the living f**k out of the Australian citizens they were walking around freely.
Sure, no one gets beaten by the authorities everyday in China. If people only got beaten up in China everyday by the authorities, instead of imprisoned, enslaved, and murdered in China on a daily basis by the authoritarian government, then it just might be livable. What kind of fantasy world are you living in?

BTW: While Australian police where apprehending COVID scofflaws, the Chinese police were imprisoning potentially infected people in their apartments to starve a slow death.
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