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Recent content by Lemon

  1. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    I think we can agree that with the knowledge we have, it makes little sense. But the explanation that they had to make J5 look good seems more plausible to me.
  2. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Peter, seriously.... do you think thats the case?
  3. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Hi Arjen I'm interested to know how it would improve my situation to join this group ? I't diffucult for me to see what action can be taken at this point? can you explain ? As I see it the Receiver is doing his job (albeit slowly/ and milking the cow) the process can hardly be speeded up by a...
  4. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Novo Banco 2024 Q1 profit: 180M € And it looks like they are preparing for an IPO.... maybe they need the books to look as good as possible? https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/portugals-novo-banco-aims-ipo-wants-end-dividend-ban-2024-05-02/
  5. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    do you know about this case in details ? and the communication between the Receiver and the former EPB account holders?
  6. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    I doubt that we will ever know the full story of this .... and I stopped caring long time ago. I am not a rich person with an extravagant lifestyle but a normal person with a savings account and I just want hard-earned money returned so we can get back to life. I feel like a prisoner held...
  7. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Hmmm, I dont see any content ???
  8. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Can you send a link to him showing off on Social Media (FB, Instagram) because I cant findt it ?
  9. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    yes there is a liquidation report made every quarter by the liquidator: Legal Documents | EPB Bank
  10. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Would he not "have to" hire help to handle all the emails and then charge us 25million dollars in "administration fees"
  11. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    The person in charge of the liquidation is Wigoberto Lugo Mender. https://lugomender.com/
  12. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    Hi Peter, was EPB insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) ?
  13. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    can someone speaking Spanish make out the essence of the legal documents presented in EPB Bank | Liquidation ???
  14. L

    Euro Pacific bank is a scam

    How many clients and total deposits are we talking about approx.?