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Recent content by Arkanoid2021

  1. Arkanoid2021

    Residency Choices for LLC Owners?

    What VIsa are you going yo get ? The easiest visa is to form yet another freezone company
  2. Arkanoid2021

    Best Company Set up for Digital Nomad + Ecommerce?

    Its a traditional setup the US LLC is a ecommerce serving French speaking countries . The UAE company will receive money from the US LLC. Many have done this before without issues. From what I read: "Once an individual qualifies as a tax resident in the UAE, they are required to declare their...
  3. Arkanoid2021

    How Dubai Government will know that I own single person USA LLC ?

    Why do you want to hide the US LLC from Dubai govt ?
  4. Arkanoid2021

    Best Company Set up for Digital Nomad + Ecommerce?

    There is something called Stripe Atlas, where Stripe helps you to setup a US LLC. Is it a good option ? I'm in a similar situation , I'm thinking about moving to Dubai (Strip is available there ) or creating a US LLC
  5. Arkanoid2021

    Tax residency certificate in UAE - 183 days or 183 days in the same fiscal year?

    About not paying taxes in your country. I assume We have to cut all ties. Not using any services (banking ,insurances, social security etc...) Your income must come from outside your home country. I'm in that situation. My income is from my Irish company (do not live there and I'm not from...
  6. Arkanoid2021

    Dubai remote working visa question

    That could also work for me. I could use the Irish company for my e-commerce (stripe,paypal) and consultant business (that will keep my EU clients happy) and I could use the Dubai free zone company for my crypto currency trading. I will study that possibility. However the remote work visa...
  7. Arkanoid2021

    Dubai remote working visa question

    Hi, I have just formed my company in Ireland. If I understand well, I m not eligible for a Dubai Remote working Visa because the company is too young? I have to wait May 2022 to apply. Is that correct?