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Recent content by uplana

  1. uplana

    Managed Stripe Account?

    Is uniquepayment the only provider around for Stripe accounts ? anyone has experience with them by the way?
  2. uplana

    Latest forecast for Ethereum $4000 within 3 weeks?

    Yeah, it was shortly up 4K $ however, now it is below. Some spoke about 7 - 8K for ETH which would be the point where I sell. But it is far far away still!
  3. uplana

    Important! Unlock the Power of OffshoreCorpTalk: Become a Member of the Mentor Group Gold

    when it expires you can see all memberships again - @JohnLocke you should make it possible to renew using the upgrade link.
  4. uplana

    Countries without exit tax

    So we have: Hong Kong Singapore Bahamas Bahrain Czech Republic Seychelles Belize Guernsey Jersey Are these all countries we can come up with?
  5. uplana

    How can you make website to not send meta data to stripe(like website name customer name etc)

    I like this thread and what has been posted about the programming part. It has some lacks which should be addressed, for instant how to handle customers calling their bank because they don't recognize the charge on their card?
  6. uplana

    Looking for cards processing

    Where are you located, do you have processing history or is it a startup business? Do you own a company for this business? As already pointed out here it is almost impossible, but as nothing is impossible when we talk Internet this can be done as well. You can find lot's of valuable...
  7. uplana

    Nominee director asks for my bank access

    Tons of information about UBO and significant influence from shareholders has already been posted here. I believe there are many of the articles containing detailed information already. Why would they publish an article about what's an UBO is?
  8. uplana

    Help Needed: Best Country to Establish a Company

    You may tell us where this landet? it's the least you could do with all this help you got from here, other users may be in an equal situation as you and like to learn.
  9. uplana

    Singapore and Estonia, a good or a bad mix, let's dive in.

    You have made a good plan that is missing some key information!
  10. uplana

    TikTok banned yesterday 20 of Sept 2020

    Think you misunderstood something, this time it's not the US but China misusing and abusing the social media https://www.csis.org/analysis/how-scary-tiktok https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canadas-security-intelligence-chief-warns-that-china-can-use-tiktok-spy-users-2024-05-17/...
  11. uplana

    Wyoming, Delaware or New Mexico, please tell me what's your choice?

    For all the US experts in this thread! What are your thoughts for 2024 and forward, for me it is simple the US will keep providing Delaware, New Mexico and Wyoming as the offshoe havens they are! Why? because they need them to get the money floating from all the other offshore jurisdictions...
  12. uplana

    Question Best offshore jurisdiction for 2024 and 4 years ahead?

    personally I have been a big fan of Dubai in silency. Today and if I had to consider 4 years ahead, I say New Mexico LLC is protecting you the best.
  13. uplana

    Important! Unlock the Power of OffshoreCorpTalk: Become a Member of the Mentor Group Gold

    I'd like to make a case for Mentor Group Gold and the many users who have very personal threads that they probably should have posted in Mentor Group Gold! If you are serious about your business and have a business that generates money, use the 100 bucks to get into Mentor Group Gold to post...
  14. uplana

    Healy Consultants any good?

    They are too expansive, they have been doing well for their own business but not for the hundreds of business they melt down.