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Recent content by premiumuk

  1. premiumuk

    Reviews on uniqpayments.net

    Thanks for the update mate, 3 weeks is a good number. I am expecting mine soon. Just been waiting a long time now. Fingers crossed for it.
  2. premiumuk

    Reviews on uniqpayments.net

    Same here, waiting for my replacements.
  3. premiumuk

    Premium Advertising Partner OffshoreBankAccounts.com: Your One-Stop Solution for All Your Financial Needs

    Just sent another email again to [email protected] Back then i sent to [email protected] but didn't get a response. I just sent now again to gb ones.
  4. premiumuk


    Bought the cc to crypto package and will post here once all setup, probably a month.
  5. premiumuk

    Reviews on uniqpayments.net

    which setup you got mate? UK/Europe or the HK ones?
  6. premiumuk

    Reviews on uniqpayments.net

    They took around 3 weeks to deliver the accounts.
  7. premiumuk

    Reviews on uniqpayments.net

    I purchased from them a very long ago, I remember it was last year somewhere around April. I got the bulletproof package which included the website + stripe + EMI set. The account get delivered in about 2-3 weeks and I started taking payments on it but got hit with the ID verification. I...
  8. premiumuk

    Looking for help to prepare ITO

    When do you plan to launch your coin?
  9. premiumuk

    Anyone have experience with iQompany?

    I actually purchased a private proxy and used this software (Ads power global) to access it and was very careful and only used it from that same IP address and never changed. Yes, I think will wait for a week to see if I hear back from him, but I message every day but no response whatsoever...
  10. premiumuk

    Anyone have experience with iQompany?

    Yes, I agree with you. Actually, i did change the emails and passwords but just the phone access. When registered and passed the account to me it was linked to the company which I initially asked to register but after a month I see it has all been changed to a different company without my...
  11. premiumuk

    Anyone have experience with iQompany?

    I actually purchased it in the month of MAY and had to wait like 1 week to get all the details. Initially, the response was much faster before making the payment but when asked something he would not answer for days/weeks. Also, I hadn't used the account straight away as was planning to use...
  12. premiumuk

    Anyone have experience with iQompany?

    Seen the banner advertisement here on the forum and tried iQOMP and purchased a UK LTD company set up along with stripe + bank, haven't used it for a while but tried logging in after like 1 month of purchase and was trying to warm up the account and other things and never took a single payment...