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Recent content by os0281

  1. os0281

    SEPA Recurring Payments (Subscriptions)

    thanks for the reply. Could you perhaps elaborate it further? Just out of curiosity
  2. os0281

    SEPA Recurring Payments (Subscriptions)

    Hey, Sasu. Can you hit me up on Skype? os0281
  3. os0281

    Hi there. I found an interesting reply from you to an individual, who asked some questions...

    Hi there. I found an interesting reply from you to an individual, who asked some questions regarding Sweps, and thought you might be of help? So, me and my partner is currently looking for some Merchants, or brokers who has good relations with merchants, who can hook us up. Do you happen to know...
  4. os0281

    Hi there. We'd like an LTD in Cyprus. Can you DM me?

    Hi there. We'd like an LTD in Cyprus. Can you DM me?