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Recent content by krush

  1. K

    can you dm me

    can you dm me
  2. K

    Bank Account for UK Ltd

    It seems very hard to open a UK business bank account these days. My friend says its because people have abused the covid loans over past years.. Any recommendations?
  3. K

    Setting up a business based on AdWords/Bing with a partner

    Anyone else have any ideas?
  4. K

    Setting up a business based on AdWords/Bing with a partner

    Thanks gh0p - I'll look at upgrading soon on this site
  5. K

    Setting up a business based on AdWords/Bing with a partner

    Hi, I have a few ideas for businesses that I know would work if I could use my own Google AdWords or Microsoft Bing advertising accounts. Unfortunately, one has been suspended and the other is being used for something that is ticking along nicely. I'm sure you can understand I don't want to...
  6. K

    Andrew's Tate Zero Taxe Advice. (Works in UK and USA !???)

    Love the posts where people are focusing on his finances and tax structure... That's what we're hear to learn about Andrew Tate is surely a great case study? Would be great to focus on business and keep the personal attacks about him separate?
  7. K

    IPTV payment gateway? - UK LTD

    Hey - I need a Stripe solution for online payment if anyone can assist