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Recent content by Konstanz

  1. Konstanz

    Dubai property leaks: How do I shield myself with an offshore holding company?

    Do they really just give property owners details to real estate agents?
  2. Konstanz

    Stay in Dubai or move to Switzerland

    Despite introducing taxes Dubai is getting more and more popular
  3. Konstanz

    Estonian E-residency and taxes

    Estonia e-residency is not residency. It's just digital signature. It does not give permission to live in Estonia or declare tax residence. You have to have real place to live in Estonia and register. And if you are not EU citizen you will have to get EU visa.
  4. Konstanz

    Do short term tax residency certificates work at all?

    it depends on country, but having such certificate is better than not having. But it just one document of package of many other documents (flight tickets, credit card statements, rent agreement, electricity etc etc) if you can't even produce certificate it's unrealistic to prove residence I think
  5. Konstanz

    UK Tories explore scrapping non-dom tax status

    Many rich non doms will flee UK to other places. UK just say they no longer want rich people to live in London
  6. Konstanz

    Monaco Corporate Tax

    There is no CFC, or effective PE rulings in Monaco Only Monaco registered companies pay corporate income tax
  7. Konstanz

    Best 1st world countries with low to zero income tax?

    More chance friends will visit in "shithole" San Marino than in KL or Bankok
  8. Konstanz

    Best 1st world countries with low to zero income tax?

    You do business in Europe and live tax efficient in continental Europe, not some island 15hours flights It's not about 0% tax always. There are many islands you can have 0% tax, but most of them are far away shitholes with nothing to do there Andorra , San Marino still better than Caribbean...
  9. Konstanz

    Buying a house with $300K: Where and why?

    But it's so romantic to say "I live in Cuba" rof/%
  10. Konstanz

    Buying a house with $300K: Where and why?

    Cuba has similar system. Non citizen residents don't pay income tax on foreign income is with what you are searching for
  11. Konstanz

    Very small crypto co; Isle of Man, Guernsey, or convenient for north UK

    I have seen some people do have residency in Sark at this forum. It''s all zero tax as I understand
  12. Konstanz

    UK non-dom regime will be abolished

    Everything started with Brexit. London is just loosing it's financial hub status in Europe year by year. Other countries will take non-doms, other countries take crypto companies, EMIs etc
  13. Konstanz

    How much is the wealth tax in Switzerland, below 5M CHF ?

    whats a point of siwss, that you have to pay so much for everything?
  14. Konstanz

    Dubai is dead, any alternative to the free zone 9% tax?

    Removed from FATF but not removed from EU High AML tax list. Until it is not fully removed from this list it will be still problematic. https://finance.ec.europa.eu/financial-crime/high-risk-third-countries-and-international-context-content-anti-money-laundering-and-countering_en Also I don't...
  15. Konstanz

    Monaco resdient without 500k EUR

    There is no other way in as far as I know