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Recent content by ImKing

  1. ImKing

    Business Expenses Abuse?

    You could just let the company pay in the first run and within a year pay back the money, so no one would question it, or am I wrong?
  2. ImKing

    What to do with 100k€ physical cash? No valid sources.

    I just went into some shops today in Switzerland, looked at some expensive watches 15K CHF and up to 35K CHF - I asked how I can pay and if it was okay to come with the money in cash if I took both watches. The guy told me he don't care how I pay, if I want to pay in cash I can do it. So at...
  3. ImKing

    Russian Corruption vs American Corruption

    do you know here since you were able to read her emails ?
  4. ImKing

    Paxum Bank might just be over

    what is non sense?
  5. ImKing

    Breaking News! OffshoreCorpTalk: 15 Years of Pioneering Asset Diversification and Tax Optimization

    Let's celebrate this incredible milestone together and look forward to many more successful years ahead! Will you send my gift by bitcoin or where I claim it :cool:
  6. ImKing

    Fraud Compensation

    I would be happy to read about any case where this happened!
  7. ImKing

    Shocking Secrets Your City Won't Tell You! What is your story?

    Talk about your experience in a city you have just moved to, or have lived in briefly, or are planning to move to for a shorter or longer period. How do you experience the city and the country you are moving to?What are the good things you experience, e.g., the people, general courtesy, and how...
  8. ImKing

    The Johnny Doe IBKR portfolio

    This is a very good and useful thread if you, like me, want to start a stock portfolio from scratch. Great initiative by the OP.
  9. ImKing

    GBH Coriolis Bank

    It was good to read about a detailed feedback regarding this undertaking. That's not to say that they are a scam, but rather that one should be careful about putting too much money into their system at once.
  10. ImKing

    Citizinship by naturalization with minimal Physical Presence requirement

    I noticed your first message was connected to a thread that could help you quickly gather ideas. It's a thread from 2020. I'm not sure if you linked it yourself or if it was the forum?
  11. ImKing

    EMI recommendation

    a year ago - about monese https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/monese-problem-for-receiving-a-transfer-and-support-email-is-a-bot.40148/ 4 years ago https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/monese-is-scam-and-is-going-backrupt.29967/ https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/monese-scam.29415/
  12. ImKing

    Does Singapore report your real estate there to your home country?

    in that case many may refuse investing in property there or ?
  13. ImKing

    Top 10 EMIs On The Market – Guides, Benefits, Regulations & Quick Reviews For Better Decisions

    If not, but services then what ? why of course? True, that's why I question it!