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Recent content by FREE CITIZEN

  1. F

    Where would you form a company for a stock market portfolio?

    As someone still learning about crypto... How are you able to use stable coins for all your purchases? Do you mean you can find select companies that take them for just about any item you want, or do you mean you have a way to pay for everything with stable coins? How does one do this and are...
  2. F


    Just a follow-up... the person I found out about this "bank" online, seems to have been spamming it on another forum and then deleting their posts later on, which clearly raises red flags. As per for my knowledge, what exactly is the definition of a laundromat in relation to a website like this?
  3. F


    Anyone deal with this neo bank called rock liberty? Thoughts?
  4. F

    Asset protection strategies for people with less than a million?

    Sorry I was away for Mother's Day weekend.... Thank you for the replies, I will pass this along to my friend. So this had me thinking, how would this situation and methods change if we are now talking about just a person being sued? (no corporation or business involved) Say one were to get...
  5. F

    Asset protection strategies for people with less than a million?

    I was having this discussion with a friend, I was explaining to him, how the gold standard of asset protection was some form of an offshore LLC with a trust (I used Nevis and the Cook Islands as an example). He remarked that is awesome, but what is the cost? I replied, it is recommended that...
  6. F

    How delicate life can be!

    Thanks for all the kind remarks, while I am not looking for sympathy, it is heart warming. The recovery is going well and in a month or so I am hoping to be back to near normal. The moral of the story is... Work hard to get what you have, but don't forget to enjoy life and live it, as one...
  7. F

    Belize LLC changes?

    So have been doing some reading on various forms of asset protection and stumbled upon Belize LLC's. It seemed unlike a Belize trust one had more control of ones assets over a trust that is formed in a not so trustworthy proven jurisdiction, but then I stumbled on the fact there has been...
  8. F

    How delicate life can be!

    Greetings guys, just a little story to put perspective on life. last month I (middle aged man) bought gold status on here and was enjoying spending time on here learning more and more about asset protection strategies to protect myself long term. Then I started to develop a fever and a cough...
  9. F

    USA Government shakedown of Binance?

    Any top suggestions? Unfortunately Canada has a hard on atm to control Canadians accessing crypto anonymously. How does one circumvent that?
  10. F

    USA Government shakedown of Binance?

    What are now the best alternatives?
  11. F

    Forming a new USA LLC before the new CTA rules apply?

    So if I form a llc now come the new year I will have to update it with more personal information?
  12. F

    Residency reporting rules between countries for a expat?

    For example, say I become a non-resident of Canada and move to a western European country to take up residency for the next year or two, severing my ties with Canada. Then I decide to move to a third country and become a resident for tax purpose. If I did that would the reporting go back to my...
  13. F

    Forming a new USA LLC before the new CTA rules apply?

    In regards to the new Corporate Transparency Act Disclosure Requirements coming into effect by Jan 2024, if one was to form a LLC before the rules come into effect would one still have to provide the required information or would that company be "grandfathered" in?
  14. F

    USA Government shakedown of Binance?

  15. F

    USA Government shakedown of Binance?
