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Recent content by bubbledouble

  1. bubbledouble

    End of EU started today

    I want to refresh this thread; it's 3 years old, and as far as I can see, the EU is stronger than ever before and is implementing more and more surveillance and more and more taxes than ever before. If this is the end of the EU, then I would like to see what it looks like if it were really to end??
  2. bubbledouble

    Next pandemic in front of our doors ?

    google has no search results?
  3. bubbledouble

    Cheapest 0% Tax Route with Substance?

    what about banking, don't even EMI's ask for substance now a days for the company ?
  4. bubbledouble

    Cheapest 0% Tax Route with Substance?

    But any offshore or onshore company need substance today if in need to use the company for something useful, don't you think so ?
  5. bubbledouble

    Newbie Question: Asset protection Holding Vs Trust

    What exactly are your plans, what will the holding company "hold" or do ? Where are you located and what is your budget to setup a proper structure?
  6. bubbledouble

    Mentor Group Gold - AD Thread! Instant Crypto Friendly EUR IBAN

    Your new in business or how old is your company? Do you hold a license?
  7. bubbledouble

    Virtual card + top up in crypto - pls advise some emis

    has anyone used this service https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/ads-plus-%E2%80%93-no-kyc-crypto-debit-cards.43420/
  8. bubbledouble

    Assessing the Threat of Hybrid Warfare in Germany and the Nordic Countries: Real Danger or Political Posturing?

    What is the background for you knowing so much about this? Do you have some kind of university degree, or is it just pure interest? In which way do you think ?
  9. bubbledouble

    Andrew's Tate Zero Taxe Advice. (Works in UK and USA !???)

    He is really trustworthy if you are a nobody living in this world as someone just around....
  10. bubbledouble

    books/courses on international taxation

    You think of this tax expert https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/andrews-tate-zero-taxe-advice-works-in-uk-and-usa.41236/
  11. bubbledouble

    Important! Unlock the Power of OffshoreCorpTalk: Become a Member of the Mentor Group Gold

    how to change to lifetime from normal mentor group gold?
  12. bubbledouble

    Your Crypto Privacy is Gone? Shocking Truth About Digital Wallets & Gateways Exposed!

    I didn't realize that Coinbase suddenly asked for KYC for their payment gateway services!